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SIG CECR (Cadre européen commun de référence)


Letizia Cinganotto

Accessible à : 

Toute personne intéressée par l’utilisation du CECR.

Prochaine réunion : 

Thursday 7th November 2024 

İstanbul, Türkiye 

Check the Events page for more information on this event.

Les membres du CECR travaillent actuellement sur : 

Developing  a series of practical guides for test developers to incorporate the CEFR into their assessment methodology

Notre objectif :

The CEFR SIG investigates and discusses real-world CEFR use. We offer a platform for test developers and researchers to explore and deepen their understanding of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, and to discuss their ideas with peers. Currently we are focusing on the latest version of the Companion Volume to the CEFR (2020) and its implications for assessment practices. We aim to develop a series of straightforward guides on different aspects of the assessment cycle and how to incorporate guidance from the CEFR into practice.

Notre actualité :

La recherche la plus récente du SIG CECR vient d'être publiée dans Language Assessment Quarterly : Deygers, B., Zeidler, B., Vilcu, D., & Carlsen, C. H. (2017). One Framework to Unite Them All? L'utilisation du CECR dans les politiques d’entrée des universités européennes. 

 ALTE - the Association of Language Testers in Europe is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), registered in England, charity number 1184799.

Spanish Translation © Instituto Cervantes and University of Salamanca 2024 | French Translation © France Éducation International 2024 | Italian Translation © University for Foreigners, Perugia 2024 | Dutch Translation © CNaVT 2024 | Romanian Translation © Babeş-Bolyai University 2024 |  | Portuguese Translation © CAPLE-University of Lisbon 2023 | Swedish Translation © Stockholm University 2024 | Catalan Translation © Generalitat de Cataluyna 2024 | German Translation © Goethe Institut and ÖSD 2024

Propulsé par logiciel d’adhésion Wild Apricot