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Call for Abstracts

The call for abstracts opened on 23rd May 2022 and closed on 30th September 2022. The deadline was extended until 9th October 2022. Applicants need to fill in an online form, which is available from a link at the bottom of this page. The form requires you to state:

  • which strand the presentation relates to;
  • the presentation format (see below for list of presentation formats);
  • the language of the presentation (English, Spanish, ISL, French, Italian, German or Portuguese);
  • the title of the presentation (max. 20 words);
  • the abstract of the presentation (max. 300 words);
  • biodata about the presenters (max. 3 people, except panel discussions max. 5 people);
  • names of additional authors who will not present, if applicable. 


 23 May 2022 Call for abstracts open
 1 September 2022
 Registration for conference opens
 30 September 2022
 Call for abstracts closes
 9 October 2022 Extension of deadline for abstracts 
 by 1 December 2022
 Notification of acceptance of abstracts 
 31 January 2023
 Deadline for all presenters to have registered and paid for conference   attendance
 31 March 2023  Video short presenters to have submitted their videos

Please note that ALTE reserves the right to modify this timeline. If your abstract is accepted for presentation, all named presenters must register and pay to attend the conference in person by 31 January 2023. 

Conference Proceedings

Following the conference, authors of accepted and delivered presentations will be invited to submit an article for the conference proceedings, to be published online in autumn 2023. Further details will be available at a later date.

Presentation Formats:

Paper Presentation (in-person presentation)

Paper presentations should report on theoretical or empirical research, ideally linked to practical application, and should offer innovative perspectives on one of the conference strands. Paper presentations should be of a standard suitable for publication. Paper presentations will last for 20 minutes, plus 5 minutes for Q&A.

Panel Sessions (in-person presentation)

A panel sessions allows a group (max. 5) of participants to present and debate issues relating to one of the conference strands. Presentation and discussion may report on theoretical or empirical research, ideally linked to a practical application; and debate within the panel may discuss the application, implications or conclusions of the presentations. Audience involvement is also welcome. Panel sessions will last for one hour. 

Panel sessions should ideally include participants from more than one organisation, representing different languages or situations. One participant should be nominated as the chair of the panel.

Workshops (in-person presentation)

Workshops are more dynamic and interactive parts of the conference programme, allowing delegates to learn new skills or techniques directly related to one of the conference strands. They will last for one hour.

Member Showcase Presentation (in-person presentation)

Each ALTE Full Member organisation has the opportunity to showcase current research they are conducting which seeks to influence the development or delivery of their products, and relates to the conference strands.  ALTE Associate Members are also eligible for a showcase presentation with additional sponsorship of the conference (please get in touch with ALTE if you are interested in this). A Member Showcase Presentation will last for 20 minutes, with 5 minutes for Q&A.

Abstracts for the member showcase presentations should be submitted in the normal way. They will be accepted, but will receive feedback from the review process. Each organisation can only have one showcase presentation.

Video Shorts (digital only presentation)

Especially suitable for those who believe they are unlikely to be able to attend the conference in person, abstracts are accepted for a short video presentation. The pre-recorded videos will be a maximum of 5 minutes long, and will explain the aim of a research project and the initial conclusions, or give a brief overview of a topic. There should be a link to one of the conference strands. Video short presenters should register for the conference and attend either virtually or in person.

New Researcher Presentation with Scholarship (in-person presentation)

We encourage new researchers, including postgraduate students, classroom teachers or school managers, policy makers and other educationalists, to submit an abstract on their research for a paper presentation. This is an opportunity to share your work within a supportive environment, and gain feedback from leading practitioners and experts attending the conference.  To submit, choose 'Paper Presentation (in-person presentation)', but tick the box in the application to show that you are applying for the New Researcher Scholarship and provide the extra information required (type of researcher, institution, 100-word explanation of why you would benefit from an ALTE scholarship).

There are five scholarships available:

ALTE Full Scholarship (1 available), covering:

·         conference registration fee

·         up to three nights’ accommodation in Madrid

·         up to €300 travel expenses

·         up to €50 daily allowance for up to three days

ALTE Registration Scholarships (4 available), covering:

·         conference registration fee

Submission of abstracts has now closed

Selection Committee 

Elaine Boyd (University College London), Emyr Davies (CBAC-WJEC),  Stefanie Dengler (Goethe Institut), Vincent Folny (France Education International), Javier Fruns Gimenez (Instituto Cervantes), Anne Gallagher (NUI Maynooth), Marta Garcia (University of Salamanca), Tony Green (CRELLA), Cecilie Hamnes Carlsen (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences), Antony Kunnan (University of Macau), Jane Lloyd (Cambridge Assessment English), Joseph Lo Bianco (University of Melbourne), Waldemar Martyniuk (Jagellonian University), Anna Mouti (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), Barry O' Sullivan (British Council), Francesca Parizzi (ALTE Consultant), Jose Pascoal (University of Macau), Carmen Peresich (ÖSD), Jim Purpura (Teachers College, Columbia University)Lorenzo Rocca (Societa Dante Alighieri), Joe Sheils (Council of Europe consultant), Cathy Taylor (Trinity College London), Lynda Taylor (CRELLA), Julia Todorinova (ALTE Consultant), Koen Van Gorp (Michigan State University) Dina Vilcu (Babes-Bolyai University), Kateřina Vodičková (Charles University), Jessica Wu (LTTC Taiwan). The selection process is assisted by the ALTE Secretariat.

ALTE - the Association of Language Testers in Europe is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), registered in England, charity number 1184799.

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